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Fun Facts about
Louis Armstrong

Fun Facts about Louis Armstrong for Kids
Our facts sheets are packed with information about the Jazz musician Louis Armstrong. They are especially compiled for kids and contain lots of amazing news and information about his childhood, early years and career in the music business including information about his musical talents and abilities. Find out how this famous American Jazz singer became so successful, who he used to sing with and who greatly influenced his life. Check out our interesting facts and accurate information about this famous American musician including the nicknames he was known by, the instruments he played, the name of his orchestra and how many times he was married. Discover a funny fact about his date of birth and how we found out many years later that he was born in a different year!

Did You Know?
Did you know that Louis Armstrong was raised by his grandmother? Did you know that he passed away in 1971 and he is buried alongside his wife Lucille? Find out the names of this Jazz singer's most famous songs which are known worldwide.

Pictures relating to Louis Armstrong

Our fact file about Louis Armstrong would not be complete without some pictures relating to his career and life! Read our facts sheets about other famous black Americans; they are ideal for kids and children of all ages and ideal for homework help and school study.

Lois Armstrong Louisiana image
Born in New Orleans, Louisiana
Jazz music image
Jazz singer and trumpet player
Fun Facts for KidsFun Facts on Famous Black Americans

Fact Sheet on Louis Armstrong
Facts about Louis Armstrong for kids

Fun Fact 1

Louis Daniel Armstrong was born on September 4th, 1901, in New Orleans, Louisiana in the United States of America.

Fun Fact 2

Louis Armstrong died in New York on 6 July 1971 at the age of 69. His death was caused by a heart attack.

Fun Fact 3

Louis Armstrong had various nicknames which were given to him as a child. Many of his nicknames referred to the size of his mouth such as Satchelmouth and Dippermouth.

Fun Fact 4

Louis Armstrong is known famously around the globe for his trademark gravelly singing voice and his great success in the music business.

Fun Fact 5

Louis Armstrong was born into poverty, he was the grandson of slaves and was raised by his grandmother. He came to live with his grandmother because his father left and his mother decided to leave him and his siblings in her care.

Fun Fact 6

Louis was married four times; his first marriage was to Daisy Parker. He was married to her from 1918 to 1923. His second wife was Lil Hardin, they were married from 1924 to 1938. He then became married to Alpha Smith from 1938 to 1942, before finally marrying the lady whom he remained married to until his death. Her name was Lucile Wilson and they got married in 1942.

Fun Fact 7

On September 1st, 1995 Louis Armstrong was pictured on a 32 cent US postage stamp in the Legends of American Music.

Fun Fact 8

One of Louis Armstrong's most famous hit songs was 'What a wonderful World'. This song was released in 1967 and due to its huge success, it is still favored by people of all ages across the world.

Fun Fact 9

Louis Armstrong played on a steamboat that travelled up and down the Mississippi River in the band of Fate Marable who was a talented jazz pianist and band leader. Louis referred to these times as his university days as they provided him with valuable experience.

Fun Fact 10

Louis Armstrong was laid to rest in Queens, New York City, not too far from where he lived with his last wife Lucile who died in 1983. They were laid to rest together. On the top of Louis headstone is a trumpet figure - a representation of his musical career and life.

Fun Fact 11

As a child, Louis Armstrong brought some money into his poor household from his jobs delivering papers and selling food to restaurants. He was musically talented as a child and began reading music around the age of 12.

Fun Fact 12

Louis Armstrong's second wife, Lil Hardin, was a pianist. She played a big part in his career, she encouraged him to leave Oliver's band whom he played for at the time and pushed him to broaden his horizons.

Fun Fact 13

Louis Armstrong joined the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra in New York City after receiving an invitation. This was a top band at the time and Louis had to swap to playing the trumpet to fit in with the band.

Fun Fact 14

42 years after the death of Louis Armstrong, a funny fact about his date of birth was discovered. We found out that he was actually born in 1901. He used to tell people that he was born in 1900!

Fun Fact 15

Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra dominated the music business during the 1930's, they were originally called the Carroll Dickerson's Orchestra but their name was later changed to Louis Armstrong and his Stompers.

Fact Sheet on Louis Armstrong
Facts about Louis Armstrong for kids

Facts about Louis Armstrong

Fun Facts about for Kids

Facts, trivia  and interesting information about Louis Armstrong for kids

Fact Sheet about Jazz musician Louis Armstrong, ideal for kids and homework

Fast, Cool Facts, Free Video about Louis Armstrong for kids and children of all ages!

Learn the easy way with the Fact Sheet on Jazz artist Louis Armstrong

Interesting information and fast facts about Jazz and Louis Armstrong

News, Trivia and Facts about Louis Armstrong for kids, schools and homework help

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Fun Facts about Louis Armstrong for kids - Famous Black American - Songs - Song - Jazz - New York - Albums - Album - Life - Hits - Age - Music - Musician - Awards - Artist - Death - Fact File - Fact Sheet - Funny Facts - Kids - Interesting Facts - Random - Weird - Crazy - Cool Facts - Amazing Facts - Fast - Children - School - Teachers - Homework - Fast - Strange - Odd - Real - Info - Information - Help - Picture - Pic - Image - Facts on Louis Armstrong