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Fun Facts on
Viking Children

Fun Facts on Viking Children for Kids
Learn, interesting fast, fun facts about Viking Children especially for kids with some amazing, cool, quick, fun facts and information. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Enjoy discovering fast, fun facts for kids about Vikings and Viking children in our useful fact file format with a facts sheet each Viking subject. Fast fun facts for kids contains pictures, images and a funny video on every page to help make the learning process easy, funny and great fun - ideal for fast homework help
. Discover the answers to these questions: What toys did the children have? Did they go to school? What games and sports did the children play? What was the life expectancy of a Viking Child? Learn the answers and discover more information with our fun facts sheet

Did you know questions about Viking Children?
Did you know that Children were considered adults by the age of twelve? Did you know that Experts estimate that 20% of Viking children died before they were 5 years old? Did you know that Viking children did not go to school? Read the fun fact sheet to discover what Viking Children did with their day and how different daily life was in the Viking Era

Picture of Viking Children
Fun facts about the Viking Children would not be complete without some pictures! Watch the funny and entertaining video, its fun for kids and children of all ages and ideal homework help for teachers and students

Fun Facts for KidsFun Facts on Vikings for Kids

Facts Sheet on Viking Children
Fun Facts on Viking Children for kids

Fun Fact 1

The Vikings were people from Scandinavia, family life was very important to the Vikings; everyone including kids over the age of 5 had a role to play in Viking life

Fun Fact 2

Facts on Viking children's names! Children were usually named after family ancestors, famous Vikings or Gods, a boy's last name usually linked them to their father

Fun Fact 3

The Vikings were extremely strong and despised weakness, if a baby or young child was ill or considered a burden on the family it would be left to perish or thrown at sea!

Fun Fact 4

Children wore clothes similar to their parents, but girls did not anything on their head unless it was very cold. Click here to learn more about Viking Clothing

Fun Fact 5

Children did not have many toys and everything was made from natural resources; wood, leather cloth and bone. Examples of toys include; swords, boats, animals, dolls, musical instruments and board games and dice games

Fun Fact 6

Viking kids did not go to school; they helped by working on the farms, in workshops and at home. Children’s tasks included; tending to animals, collecting wood and water, farming, cooking and cleaning

Fun Fact 7

Older boys were taught how to use weapons and how to sail. Older girls were taught how to spin and weave wool and taught how to make clothes

Fun Fact 8

Hnefatafl was a strategic board game played by the Vikings. Chess became popular in the later part of the Viking age, it is believed that it may have been taught by Vikings who had returned from the Far East. Chess pieces were made from wood, clay, bone, ivory or whale teeth

Fun Fact 9

Vikings loved riddles, sagas, stories and songs; in the evening the family would gather around and tell stories, entertain and sing songs. By storytelling to the kids songs, stories and sagas were passed down the generations by word of mouth

Fun Fact 10

Travelling poets and story tellers would visit towns and villages; they would enlighten adults and children with stories of heroes, events, Gods and Goddesses

Fun Fact 11

Although there were no books some children learnt how to read Runes and carve messages. The Runic alphabet is traditionally referred to as Futhark

Fun Fact 12

There was no school for children, but they still had lots of life-skills to learn! They learnt  how to; light a fire, milk the cows sheep and goats, ride a horse, row a boat, tend to vegetables, spin wool, and weave

Fun Fact 13

Boys began weapon practice in their early teenage years, there is evidence of warriors as young as 16

Fun Fact 14

Viking children participated in sport; children swam, practiced archery and sometimes ice-skated with blades made of bone or wood.  A game called Knattleikr was very popular; the game was played with a stick and ball

Fun Fact 15

Experts estimate that 20% of children died before they were 5 years old and another 15% did not reach the age of 20. The life expectancy of an adult was much younger than today, Vikings lived to be approximately 40 years of age

Facts Sheet on Viking Children
Fun Facts on Viking Children for kids

Fun Facts on Viking Children

Fun Facts on Viking Children for Kids

Fun Facts and interesting information about Viking Children for kids

Fact Sheet on Viking kids, ideal for kids and homework

Fast, Fun Facts, Free Video on Viking Children for kids and children of all ages!

Learn the easy way with the fun Fact Sheet on the Viking Child

Interesting information and fast, fun facts on Viking Children

Fun Facts on Viking Children for kids, schools and homework help

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