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Fun Facts on Viking Gods for Kids Discover fast, interesting fun facts on Viking Gods for kids with some quick, cool and fascinating information. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Enjoy our fast, fun facts for kids on Viking Gods in a useful fact file format with a fact sheet on Viking Gods, free pictures and a funny video on every page to help make the learning process easy, funny and great fun! Find out about the Norse Gods and find the answers to these questions: How were the stories and myths about Viking Gods passed on? Who was Odin, and why was he feared? Which day of the week is linked to Odin's wife? What weapon did Thor use for protection? Was Loki a God? Discover the answers to these interesting questions and more, on our fun fact sheet for kids |
Did you know questions on Viking Gods? Did you know the Vikings believed in many Gods? Did you know that the Gods consisted of two main families; the Aesir Family and the Vanir Family? Read the fun facts sheet to discover more about the Viking Gods and to find information about Thor, Odin and Loki. Picture of the Viking Gods Fun facts about the Viking Gods would not be complete without a picture of Viking Gods! Learn facts about Viking Gods with the funny facts video, its fun for kids and children of all ages - ideal for students, schools and teachers and great for homework help. | | | | Fun Facts for Kids | Fun Facts on Vikings for Kids |
| Facts Sheet on Viking Gods Fun Facts on Viking Gods for kids | | Fun Fact 1 | The Vikings were people from Scandinavia, and they believed in many Gods. The two main families of the Norse Gods were the Aesir Family (sky gods) and the Vanir Family (earth Gods) the families were at war but eventually they made peace |
| Fun Fact 2 | The Vikings had many myths and stories about creation, gods and goddesses. The tales and myths were taught to children by word of mouth, this ensured that they were passed on through family generations |
| Fun Fact 3 | In a tale of creation the Vikings believed that the world was flat and surrounded by sea; the world was held in place by a giant ash tree called Yggdrasil (also known as the world tree). The Branches were believed to reach into the heavens, whilst the roots delved into the lands of the giants and the dead |
| Fun Fact 4 | Odin was one of the most important Viking Gods. Odin was the son of Bor, ancestor of the Aesir Family. Odin was a wise God and lord of the battles; he was feared because it was Odin who decided between a victory and defeat during battle |
| Fun Fact 5 | Odin sat in a throne above earth were he could see all, he had two ravens who reported to him, they were called Hugin and Mugin (Thought and Memory) |
| Fun Fact 6 | Odin's wife was beautiful, her name was Frigg and she could see into the future with her magical powers. Frigg was a caring Goddess, especially towards women and children. Friday was named after Frigg. Friday is considered by some a lucky day, especially for marriage, because of its links to the Goddess Frigg |
| Fun Fact 7 | Thor was the thunder God of the Sky. Thor was brave and strong, he protected the home of the Gods (Asgard) with his hammer. It was Thor's hammer that caused thunder and lightening |
| Fun Fact 8 | Norse Viking God Thor lived the life of a Viking Warrior - he was much loved and highly respected. Thor represented safety and stability, his symbol was oak tree |
| Fun Fact 9 | In Viking mythology Loki was not a God, he was the son of a fire giant. Loki was a joker and friend to the Gods especially Odin, although he was not to be trusted |
| Fun Fact 10 | Sif was a goddess who married Thor. Sif had beautiful golden hair, something all Vikings loved and admired, one day whilst she was sleeping Loki cut her hair off! |
| Fun Fact 11 | Viking myths and legends often involved stories including scary monsters, mischievous trolls, powerful dragons, sea serpents, great giants and naughty elves. In one myth Odin rides a horse with magical powers and eight legs! |
| Fun Fact 12 | Experts are not sure about how the Vikings worshipped their gods; they believe that they worshiped 'magic trees' and built wooden temples, although none exist. Some experts have suggested that many Vikings offered sacrifices to their gods, including animals and humans! |
| Fun Fact 13 | Some of the days of the week were named after Viking gods; Thursday was named after the Thor the god of thunder |
| Fun Fact 14 | Warriors that died in battle were welcomed into Valhalla. Valhalla was Odin's scared hall in the afterlife |
| Fun Fact 15 | The myths about Gods and goddesses started to be documented on manuscripts during the latter part of the Viking Era (from around 1120 AD). The writings about myths were called Sagas |
| Facts Sheet on Viking Gods Fun Facts on Viking Gods for kids |
| Fun Facts on Viking Gods for Kids |
| | Fun Facts and interesting information about Viking Gods for kids |
| | Fact Sheet on Viking Gods, ideal for kids and homework |
| | Fast, Fun Facts, Free Video on Viking Gods for kids and children of all ages! |
| | Learn the easy way with the fun Fact Sheet on Viking Gods |
| | Interesting information and fast, fun facts on Viking Gods |
| | Fun Facts on Viking Gods for kids, schools and homework help |
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